Safe Water
Safe Water
In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly explicitly recognised water and sanitation to be a human right. One aspect that defines this right is that water must be ‘safe’- free from microorganisms and other substances that can threaten one’s health.
Chlorine has been used for over a century to disinfect water.
It has contributed substantially to the increase in access to safe drinking
water for millions of people around the world as it can be incorporated on
varying scales- ranging from piped networks in urban areas, to household
treatments in rural settings. Chlorination is regarded as the most affordable,
reliable and effective method of water purification, especially because of its
ability to kill the majority of pathogens responsible for diarrheal diseases in
children (GEMS, 2018); thus being an approach endorsed by the WHO to improve
water quality (2003).
There is a plethora of epidemiology and economics literature
that has concluded the wide-reaching benefits, particularly in access to water
and public health, that the use of chlorine can contribute to. Yet this remains
dependant on its continual use, which is often determined by the method of
chlorine provision. In rural communities that are not connected to piped water
supplies and are instead reliant on open water sources, individually packaged
chlorine is typically purchased. However, the willingness to pay for water
treatment is often low (Blum et al. 2014: Kremer et al. 2009), which
essentially means that people are reluctant to buy chlorine- regardless of them
understanding the health benefits that cleaner water can have. This clearly
suggest the need for public provision in order to guarantee access, and ensure the
population’s rights to safe water is met.
The following post will now review the ‘Dispenser for Safe Water’ initiative, a program implemented by Evidence Action across East Africa, including Kenya.
The case of Kenya
To tackle this, ‘point-of- collection’ (POC) chlorine
dispensers can be installed next to a water source and therefore allows people
to treat their water on the spot. This free, pre- measured dosage scheme
provides a convenient and economically attractive alternative to bottled chlorine
from retailers- which is often imported. Dispensers encourage sustained
household use of chlorine- the public location and bright blue colour is a visual
reminder, and further facilitates norm formation as potential users can see others
using it and be incentivised to also use it too (Ahuja et al. 2010). This
human-centric design fosters the practice of chlorinating water when collecting
and ultimately extends access to safe water in rural communities. So far, there
are over 18,000 dispensers across Kenya, and the evidence of the success has
been closely evaluated by Evidence Action.
One reason underpinning the success of this ‘point-of-collection’
model is that the provision is based upon community partnership and engagement.
A trusted member is trained, and then delegated the task of encouraging locals
to make use of the dispenser, as well as reporting when it needs repairing or
refilling. This feature layers upon the human-centric design discussed earlier
and reiterates the emphasis on inclusion to promote safe water access. Furthermore,
from an economics standpoint, a POC system is very cost- effective as it
requires bulk supplies of chlorine for the water sources (ibid); bypassing the
delivery and marketing costs associated with the traditional retail approach.
The lower supply costs make free provision of the chlorine feasible and thereby
transcends the barriers that the ‘low willingness to pay’ posed.
Overall, the existing evidence confirms that chlorine
dispenser models are favoured to other water treatment options, and their use
tends to be sustained. POC approaches have addressed many of the concerns that were
attributed to chlorine, particularly with correct dosing and costs, and have
made huge strides with ensuring rural populations have had their rights to
water and sanitation met. But what still remains a challenge is the fact that chlorine
does not kill all pathogens, namely Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium,
which can cause diarrhoea. This can render the appropriateness of using
chlorine entirely futile for water sources that breed such pathogens, and would
prompt the use of alternative treatment methods.
Ahuja, A., Kremer, M. and
Zwane, A.P., 2010. Providing safe water: Evidence from randomized
evaluations. Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ., 2(1),
Blum, A.G., Null, C. and
Hoffmann, V., 2014. Marketing household water treatment: willingness to pay
results from an experiment in rural Kenya. Water, 6(7),
Kotloff, K.L., Nataro, J.P.,
Blackwelder, W.C., Nasrin, D., Farag, T.H., Panchalingam, S., Wu, Y., Sow,
S.O., Sur, D., Breiman, R.F. and Faruque, A.S., 2013. Burden and aetiology of
diarrhoeal disease in infants and young children in developing countries (the
Global Enteric Multicenter Study, GEMS): a prospective, case-control
study. The Lancet, 382(9888), pp.209-222.
Kremer M, Miguel E, Mullainathan S, Null C, Zwane A. 2009c.
Making water safe: Price, persuasion, peers, promoters, or product design?
Work. Pap., Harv. Univ., Cambridge, MA
Kremer, M., Miguel, E.,
Mullainathan, S., Null, C. and Zwane, A.P., 2011. Social engineering: Evidence
from a suite of take-up experiments in Kenya. Work. Pap., Univ. Calif.,
WHO (2003) Chlorine in Drinking-water: Background document
for development of WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality
TUE (2011) The Chlorine Dilemma: Final Report
Very informative piece on the role of chlorination in water sanitation. The case study really put things into perspective. I am looking forward to seeing where this blog goes over the next few months!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this interesting and informative post. Point-Of-Collection dispensation of chlorine has a long history and you correctly highlight some of the merits and challenges of implementation. Sustaining the supply of chemicals and technical expertise to dose individual sources is certainly challenging and requires funds not only for the chemicals but for the person dispensing them. In rural locations, these logistics can be prohibitive but with education and commitment from a supporting infrastructure in local government. In urban environments, it is perhaps more important and easier in urban and peri-urban areas where pollutant risks are higher and access to materials is often better sustained. When I was in Rwanda in 1994, we were repairing pumps to re-start water supplies from standpipes in rural areas of Byumba Prefecture where they had point-of-use chlorination. I recall that it had been months and sometimes years since these had been operational prior to the genocide. Last point, do use hyperlinks rather than a reference list as it enables people to immediately connect to cited literature and is perhaps a little tidier in appear (no need for a reference list). Simply set up a hyperlink over the citation in the text.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your feedback!
DeleteSorry. in my last comment (sent in haste), I meant to say that "but with education and commitment from a supporting infrastructure in local government", point-of-collection chlorination can be feasible. See slide 25 in the Water Use & Provision lecture for photo of the POC chlorination system in rural Rwanda in the 1990s.